Did you know that to be a successful student, the typical elementary age school child will need to learn:
- In Kindergarten, the most frequently used 107 words that account for 50% of the words they will see when reading.
- In 1st and 2nd grade, children need to learn 800+ words per year or about 2 per day to have grade level reading and writing skills.
- From 3rd grade onward, children need to learn 2,000 to 3,000 new words each year or about 6-8 per day.
- Know how to read the additional 5,000 words that account for the other 45% of words they will see when reading.
- Know how to decode the infrequent words (5% of total words) that carry unique meaning in a passage.
At READable PHONICS our comprehensive program focuses on teaching children
(Pre Kindergarten through 6th grade) reading and spelling skills to help them develop CORE KNOWLEDGE academics with products that have been created specifically with their needs in mind. We believe that a child's play time can be one of the most productive learning times during a little one's day. This is because during play time more of a child's senses are utilized, facilitating a higher cognitive learning process and better retention.
With this in mind we have developed several CORE KNOWLEDGE activities and games for little ones, to encourage a love of learning through creative thinking and challenging play.